National Association of Professional Process Servers

2024 Wrap Up

The NAPPS Promotion & Growth Committee just finished another successful season of promoting NAPPS and its members to the legal professionals of the world.

In July the committee traveled to Louisville, Kentucky to attend the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) Conference. This event is always well attended by paralegals and legal professionals and it is always a good time to connect with those attendees. The committee also attended the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA) Convention in September. This event is a little different than most, as the attendees are made up of the leaders of the many county and state paralegal associations around the country. Not as many people attend this event, however, the outreach seems to be widespread as our advertising goes back to countless associations around the country. The NFPA will not hold an in-person conference in 2025, as they will be trying out a virtual conference instead. Half of its leadership is excited for a new approach to annual meetings and the other half of leadership is already mourning the in-person gathering. The last event the Promotion & Growth Committee attended was the NALS (National Association of Legal Support Providers) 95th Annual Conference. This conference was surprisingly well attended. We were stunned to learn that 30% of its attendance consisted of new attendees. In past years, attendance at NALS was low and it didn’t feel that NAPPS was getting the recognition it should. This year proved otherwise with a new approach to organization and structure within its leadership. Both the NFPA and NALS Conferences were held in Portland, Oregon this year.

The committee continues to purchase new and useful swag items for booth giveaways. The items prominently display the NAPPS logo and website.  On occasion we send swag items to smaller paralegal events that we are unable to attend throughout the year.

Another successful relationship this committee has formed is with Linda McGrath-Cruz of Perfectly Paralegal. Linda continues to be a huge asset to NAPPS by promoting it to her network of paralegals around the country. NAPPS members and the legal community mutually benefit by this partnership, both by the influx of work and the resource that NAPPS is to that same community. Our online presence is stronger than ever, allowing process servers to talk about the benefits of membership. Because of this, online applications continue to pour in and membership has grown to the largest it has ever been.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary A. Crowe & Claire Lindsey
Co-Chairs, NAPPS Promotion & Growth Committee