NAPPS Technology Committee Report – February 6, 2016
As previously reported a group called OASIS recently proposed standards regarding e-service, which NAPPS provided comments, edits and insight in order to protect due process. Several other state associations provided comments regarding OASIS ECF 5.0 (e-Service) and based on those comments OASIS has accepted several of the changes suggested (See attachment). I am planning to join OASIS for membership on their technical committee and attend their conference later this year on behalf of NAPPS (See application). This will provide valuable insight on the direction of the courts regarding e-service and e-filing. Remember the standards written by OASIS is already being used by courts in the USA that serve over 1/3 of the population and growing. As many of you know. If OASIS e-service proposal was adopted as written and implemented by courts it could have far reaching ramification on the profession.
Since our launch of the new NAPPS website in October 2015 the website has been receiving rave reviews and seem to have worked out all the minor issues or glitches that the website had early on. We will continue to add features, pictures, conference updates and blog postings to provide information to our members to show NAPPS members and the general public alike that we are the best source of information. Our NAPPS social media presents has greatly increased on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn as are postings are being shared, re-tweeted, and liked by individuals who subscribe to these outlets on a regular basis. Here is a list of our NAPPS social media likes, followers and or subscribers currently:
- Facebook: 836 Likes
- LinkedIn: 873 Followers
- Google+ 65 Followers
- Instagram: 51 Followers
- Twitter: 548 Followers
Another feature that I would like to install on our website later this year is Google maps widget. The Google maps widget will show where each member is located hosted on the NAPPS website based on address or zip code search.
According to the NAPPS Google Analytics account, we are receiving approximately 1100 hits per day Monday through Friday and 150 hits per day on Saturday/Sundays. The site has a very low bounce rate around 27% and 4.71 pages are viewed per visit.
In closing, I will be attending a couple of technology conferences around the country in order to relay the changes in our courts system as well how process servers may be impacted in the future. I will continue to post valuable information, technology and court updates as information is gathered.
Michael Kern
Technology Committee Chairman