NAPPS Technology Committee Report 11-7-15
Since our conference in Washington, DC the committee has been engaged on several of the following projects: First, by bringing fresh ideas and adding value of membership; Second, the migration, development and launch of the much anticipated NAPPS website, which will provide a positive return to the membership by connecting our members to the general public; Third, by enhancing our partnership with the FNTC (National Federation of Trusted Third Parties) in becoming full voting member representing the United States.
In our ever continuing pursuit to provide our membership with added benefits, our committees have been actively pursuing several technology conferences held around the country that may be beneficial for the association to market to law firms, collection agencies and insurance companies to connect with our members. Another is to provide insight on the ever changing issues regarding electronic service of process (e-Sop), which one committee is OASIS, who is recognized nationally for the electronic filing technical standards and specifications. The standards written by OASIS is already being used by courts in the USA that serve over 1/3 of the population and growing. I believe NAPPS should join as a member and serve on the technical committee for the sole purpose of watching out for proposals regarding e-Filing and e-Service. As many of you know OASIS recently proposed standards regarding e-service, which several associations as well as NAPPS provided comments and insight in order to protect due process and the profession. If OASIS e-service proposal was adopted as written and implemented by courts it could have far reaching ramification on the industry. I am proud that the Board of Directors was able to provide input to the committee and demonstrate that NAPPS is truly a trusted third party “Process Server”, when providing notice and the importance of protecting the due process rights of litigants. I believe our comments along with other associations have helped shaped the proposed standards going forward.
We have launched the new redesigned NAPPS website earlier last month. The committee has worked tirelessly on the build out of the new website to provide users with a modern feel and enhanced capabilities. The website was built on a robust platform with added social media icons to provide a fast and easy way to connect with NAPPS. The committee believes that by introducing this enhanced feature, it will drive more potential business to our members, as well as provide added monetary value to the association by way of additional city listings and increased membership.
In late September Lance Randall, Gary Crowe and I attended several successful meetings in Paris, France with the National Federation of Trusted Third Parties (FNTC). We were shown many of their technology benefits including several electronic archiving solutions, encryptions and notification systems that is far advanced from what is currently being used in the United States. These benefits would be accessible to NAPPS members and provide courts that NAPPS is a trusted third party as the courts move forward with electronic formats and standards. While in attendance, our President fortified our relationship by signing and agreeing to have our NAPPS membership in the FNTC status being elevated to the Fourth College as a voting member. This is a very prestigious level of membership, as NAPPS now represents all of the United States.
I would like to thank John Shelly for his help with my design and vision on the build out of the new website as well Bob Musser for his collaboration on making the transition of the old website to our new hosting platform. Without these two individuals this may not have been possible. I am constantly looking for ways to better our association and exceed your expectations. I encourage each of you to serve on a committee and invest in our future.