Promotion and Growth Committee Update

Your 2018-2019 NAPPS Promotion and Growth Committee has been hard at work! Our committee members are:
- Robin Martinelli, Chairwoman – NAPPS member since 2001
- Jessica Jester - NAPPS member since 2007
- Pamela “Blu” Daniels - NAPPS member since 2010
- Cliff Jacobs - NAPPS member since 2017
We have had conference call meetings on May 15, 2018 and May 31, 2018, both for over an hour, and our next meeting is scheduled for June 22, 2018.
The Promotion and Growth Committee is working on a contest, for all NAPPS members to participate, in order to attract new members to NAPPS. Prizes will be awarded. We hope to have the contest guidelines finalized soon.
The Promotion and Growth Committee is also working diligently on compiling a master list of all prospective NAPPS members in the Process Serving and Private Investigation industries. We hope to begin mailing out an invitation letter to the mass in the near future.
The Promotion and Growth Committee is currently researching numerous Process Serving and Private Investigation conferences and trade shows all around the United States. Currently, only NAPPS Administration is authorized to participate and represent in these events. However, we are looking forward to assisting the Administration in suggesting the best conferences to attend.
Robin Martinelli